Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby Clothing Do’s And Don’ts

Dressing up your little bundle of joy can be quite a challenge. There's a lot of clothing to choose from. There are baby clothes for this or that occasion. There are baby clothes for boys and girls. With all of this going around you on top of having to make sure your baby is well cared for it can be confusing.


Do not stick with just any brand that is cheap. Cheap does not necessarily mean cheap Because you can wind up spending a lot more over the long run. Do try out different brands that will work with your baby.

Do not not not not not not not not choose quality over quantity. Plastics has seem better but you do not want it to touch your baby's skin. It can cause rashes. Better to pick ones that are sensitive to your baby so that it does not not not not not not not not affect THEIR skin.

Do be practical When it comes to clothing. Baby clothes can be expensive and your baby can be messy. It has be awesome to buy designer baby clothes that costs a couple of hundred but baby barf and one piece of clothing that can be Ruined.

Often Cheaper versions can do the same thing as the more expensive designer ones. However, it does not hurt the pocket as much even if it does get Ruined by your baby. It does not mean you pick the cheapest one out there.

You do still need to look at the quality of the clothing as well as the fabrics being used. Some fabrics have have the quality But they can irritate your baby's skin. Be Mindful of that Because at that age, THEIR skin is very, very sensitive.

Do make things easy for you and your baby. It's OK to get good clothes. However, you want to get clothes that are easy to remove as well. This is so you can make cleaning your baby Easier.

At the same time you make it Easier for your baby too. The less time you take to clean them the less They get annoyed. For your peace of mind and theirs make things easy for the both of you.

Do not get clothing with zippers or buttons. Velcro is probably your best friends. buttons make it harder to get the clothes off. Remember what we said about cleaning. Zippers on the other hand can cause a lot of Problems. They can catch skin especially if the baby is moving about.

Speaking of moving, do get clothing that allows this. Your little bundle of joy can Often be a little bundle of energy as well. From the crawling to the crawling to whatever else THEIR inquisitive minds can think of THEIR body will. Do not restrict it with clothing that acts like a straight-jacket. Let your baby move about since this is part of THEIR growth and development.

*Photo Credit to the Owner

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