Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things Do It Yourselfers Should Have

A do it yourselfer is one who does things their way. This means that they will fix things themselves without having to hire a professional or a specialist to do it. It means that rather than hire a contractor they will gladly tackle the job of renovating their kitchen or painting their house.

Do it yourselfers are not in it to save money although they can save in terms of labor costs. For DIYers it’s all a matter of being independent and not having to depend on others to the work that they feel they themselves can do. For them the challenge is to make do and the home is their battlefield. In some ways you can equate them to soldiers that go to war.

If that is the case then it stands to reason that as a warrior, a do it yourselfer needs to have the basic tools and equipment in order to succeed in his or her endeavor. Whether it be replacing a door knob or renovating the whole kitchen anything is possible as long as the do it yourself warriors has the right tools for the job.

For starters you will need a toolbox. An analogy would be the soldier’s back pack. This is where you will be storing the tools you need as well as everything else such as screws, nails and what have you.

Most toolboxes are made of durable plastic and come in a variety of sizes. Pick one that can fit the basic tools you will need. It should be big enough yet at the same time not cumbersome since you will be lifting this every now and then.

Once you have a toolbox your nest step is to fill it with the basic tools you will mostly need. A claw hammer is the most basic of basic. You can use it to drive nails or pull them out. No self-respecting do it yourselfer would be caught dead without it.

The next tool should be an adjustable wrench. With the number of different sizes that nuts and bolts come in, it is a good idea to have one tool to take care of them. An adjustable wrench has jaws that you can adjust without having to worry about grabbing another tool.

A good screwdriver set is also a must. A 10 piece set will typically include your common slotted and Phillips-head screwdrivers. This way you can tighten screws no matter the size without having to fiddle around.

A tape measure goes without saying. You use this to measure a room in your house or the length of that piece of lumber that you need. Because it is retractable it doesn’t take up much space and you can carry it around with you.

A nice set of pliers will help to hold down those pipes and stuff. You can get yourself a pair of regular ones and those that lock to keep things steady so you can use your hands to do the work that’s needed.

There are more things you will need but for starters these should suffice. With these you can do basic work in your home such as replace an electrical outlet or that broken door knob.

*Photo Credit to the Owner

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